‘RT Wellcure Pvt. Ltd’, is pleased to introduce our self as a diagnostic service provider. company is incorporated as a private limited company under the Indian companies ACT 1956 to carry out the business to run our own diagnostic centre ( i.e. Pathology Lab , Scan Centre, X-ray, ECG, Sonography etc.) and all the other acts attained to the objects of the company.
We combine Pathology and our pioneering technology along with the well-skilled technicians and doctors in this field to bring the best outcomes for our patients and doctors. We have dedicated laboratory information management system which is basically a highly customized software driven system for our RT PATHOLOGY LAB which is presently situated at Vasai and Worli.
We believe to provide a Reliable, timely and quality report at a very reasonable cost. Our Bar-coding system and Interface of analyser backed up with software accuracy which ensures error-free reporting.
RT Wellcure Private Limited was founded by Mr.D D Tripathi in 2017 as a private limited company under the Indian companies ACT 1956 to carry out the business to run our own diagnostic centre ( i.e. Pathology Lab , Scan Centre, X-ray, ECG, Sonography etc.) and all the other acts attained to the objects of the company, Company is Manage by Manging Director MS. Aarti Tripathi and Mr. Ranjeet Pandey.